The treatment of the knee-joint, the process is not quick, and if you get rid of the pain, it is not always possible right away. Most of the time, they occur, due to the destruction and deformation of the tissue of the cartilage, but there may be other reasons as well. The tightness with the treatment, it is not possible, because of the joint disease that are rapidly evolving and may lead to serious consequences and even to disability.

The causes of pain in the knee
The knee joint is the agency that has the pad on the knee, combined with the two-piece. In a pot, which is located on the front of the knee joint, with its ligaments in the quadriceps muscle, which continue to be the ligaments. The bones are covered in the fabric of the articular cartilage, and between them, they are crescent-shaped, cartilage – menisci. Also, the knee has many synovial pouches for liquid oxygen, which performs the function of lubrication in the knee joint.
The whole of this complex of water, a mechanism that has been designed for the biceps, the extensor and the depreciation in the course of the movement. Any infringement on his work, leading to discomfort, and headaches. Such as explaining and talking points of the knees, you need to set up the medical and the trauma of diagnosis.
The causes of headache could be more varied, from fatigue and over-voltage up to life-threatening medical conditions, and are divided like this:
- A knee injury the following reasons, which include all of the mechanical damage. Injury or disruption of the ligament, a rupture of the blood in the joint cavity when the intra-articular fracture of, damage to, and losses from the meniscus, dislocated the patellar. These causes are typically characterized by an acute, local pain, strong consumption, the advent of the bruises and the pain, or the inability to move the joint.
- Inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the joints – the most common cause of the aches and pains of the head, on the lap of older people, and older people. Rheumatoid arthritis of the chondropathy, bursitis, disease, Slatter, and other diseases. Characterized by great pain or just a discomfort to drive click-throughs, while the flexion/extension of the knee, pathology of flexibility in the joint and instability of the chronic knee.
- The various systems, infectious diseases, and viral infections also lead to inflammation and pain in the head. These include osteoporosis, bone tb, syphilis, osteomyelitis, and many others. This pain can make use of a different character, depending on the inflammation and injury of the body from infections and viruses.
- Diseases for which pain irradiiruet in the knees. The defeat of the sciatic nerve, osteoarthritis of the facet joints of the hips, fibromyalgia. As for the pain, it's a side-effect, so take in the journal, pain, or shooting in nature. The treatment of the joint of the knee, in such a case, it will not bring relief.
The diagnosis and find out the root causes of your aches and pains to determine how the points and explaining and talking about the knee-joint. When the symptoms are of an incomprehensible-of-origin, it is best not to self-medicate.

The treatment of the knee
The treatment of pain in the knee joint can be conservative and surgical. The surgical techniques are in the operation of the resolution of the root causes of the pain in his head. Conservative therapy, that is, a set of techniques aimed at the elimination of the symptoms and the cause of death. So, the cure for the pain in the knee joint?
Surgical techniques
These methods can be attributed to the severe injury and inflammatory diseases-degenerative diseases. Severe pain in the joints can indicate a serious injury, or the total of the wear and tear of the cartilage. Therefore, it applies to the various types of operations.
This operation can be carried out with the purpose of diagnosis and treatment, serious damage to the joints. The arthroscopy is introduced into the knee joint through the incision, one that is equipped with a video camera and displays the image on the screen, and the other is the manipulation of the inside of the joint, especially for the treatment of.
This operation has significantly reduced the post-operative period and the rehabilitation period is, in addition to with virtually no scarring. With the help of the artroskopa to operate the breaks of the ligaments and menisci. It may also be used for the purpose of treating arthritis, but its efficacy in this case, it remains open to question.
The method is radical. When this operation is fully proved that the joint of the knee through the incisions will be removed from the patella, which permits the manipulation of it directly into the cavity. Also, this method is called to open. Usually, the bones overlap each other clips, which will help you to reduce the stress on the joints.
The major drawback of such an operation is, the longer the period of rehabilitation. The floor the patient will be able to 1 or 2 months, and to lead an active life of only one year. However, the performance of such surgery, in general, ensures a long remission.
You should know that the osteotomy using a strong failure or the deformation of the underlying connective tissue when it comes to the removal of part of the ill item.

Go on, when all other treatment methods are used, the joint is going to deteriorate and completely stops to do its function. After the complete removal of the victim from the item to the osteotomy, a knee prosthesis or implant. It can also be transplanted from a donor, and it is possible to change the prosthesis to the artificial one. They are made of plastic, ceramic or metal alloys.
Thus, the disease disappears completely, and the patient achieves a remission, forever. Even so, it is worth considering that the device may be broken, and there may also be other side effects. The lead knee stays in Israel.
Conservative treatment
These are the methods that aim at the regeneration, recovery and rehabilitation of your joints. It will include drug therapy, therapeutic exercise, and fitness physical therapy. In some cases, it may include popular methods. When the first signs of the pain in the knee, it is worth taking the knee-orthez, or a bandage, which slows down the destruction of the fabric before you get to the core of the treatment, and to reduce the symptoms of the disease.
Medical treatment
What a pity, the very first thing you should do when the pain in your knees? Of course, in order to apply anaesthetic and analgesic medication. Such a tool can be a drug in different ways. Creams, pills and is recommended for both slow and high-pitched pain. When cutting-and-shoot it is better to turn to injections, which is immediately going to take away the pain that is caused.
After the diagnosis is, it can be a prescription drug non-steroidal. When injury or arthritis in a big way, and the other degenerative diseases of the knee joint often swells up. To do this, and you will need each and every one of these products. They improve the circulation of blood, reduce the swelling and relieve the pain that is caused.
In the final stage of the medical treatment you will be receiving chondroprotectors. They were prescribed when absolutely no damage or alterations to the fabric of the articular cartilage. This is the basis of the conservative treatment.
But it's worth it in the preparation of the treatment of the protective cartilage and will be quite a long one. The course lasts from three months to one year. The pharmaceutical form may be tablets, creams and injections. Such substances are, in fact, it can be found in the food, and because of this, when the pain in the knees, doctors recommend an increase in the consumption of food in a jam, meat bouillon, avocado and jam.

In some cases, you can assign an intra-muscular injection of hyaluronic acid. This is the substance enters into the composition of the oxygen in the synovial fluid, which fills the cavity of the joint. It helps in the regeneration of connective tissue, and occur in the recovery time is much quicker.
Therapy, exercise, and fitness
This is the phase after the processing and after the use of the drug. The dressings will need to carry out physical exercises to prevent aches and pains in the head. It should pass under the supervision of a rehabilitation center or a hospice for the proper execution of a complicated task. It usually takes about 2 or 3 months.
With the help of the knee joint, little by little, back to the labour market by increasing the range of motion. The sv is the more important it is for the sport of swimming. It goes without any problems, just start with the most common type of move, but it will also improve the circulation of the blood and the body's metabolism, which has a positive effect on the recovery of the body's tissues.
Physical therapy
These procedures are intended for the safe recovery and treatment. These methods to get the best outcome at the lowest cost to you. This includes any of the following methods:
- therapy ultrasound;
- electrophoresis (ce);
- in the therapy of far infrared ray;
- several of heats up.
As you can still get rid of the feet if it really hurts the knee? A good physical therapy for the procedure is a gentle massage that improves blood circulation and speeds up the process of recovery. Massage well to relieve the pain, but it also has a tonic effect. Drugs for external use, you can use it without the prescription of a physician, the treatment is acceptable to you, when the pain in my knees. But it is more than likely, it's just removing the symptoms but the root cause remains, and soon it is too late, more time it takes and the discomfort.
Popular methods of treatment
As the points for, explaining, and talking about the pain in my knee, unlike the methods, which you probably are, you know each and every patient, and at least once faced with this ailment.
- The first way is to become the heating on a class-wide basis. This can be done by all of the vodka and honey into the house.
- You can also visit the steam and sauna rooms, as well, which affects the whole body in general. A very modern-day method that heats up to be warm orthez in the battery pack. This is a convenient, comfortable, and doesn't require a lot of effort. A session is able to get rid of that pain, literally, for 20 to 30 minutes.
- It is so nice to affect all the joints in the mud, and seaweed wraps. They are able to, for a short period of time to return the cartilage and the elasticity, improving the irrigation of the blood, which promotes better nutrition of the tissues.
It is important to note that, in the event of a major injury, and in the later stages of the disease folk methods will be ineffective. For this reason, treatment at home, you need to stipulate with your doctor.

Recipes, studio
In folk medicine, is rich with the amount of income that you can use to treat the joints of the knee.
The Soda-salt in the compress. Boil the mixture of one teaspoon of salt, and the sodium, add 5 to 7 drops of iodine. In a heated, knee-to impose a compress on this mixture. The procedure will repeat at least 5 times.
The alcohol tincture, you can take the inside or the use of rastirok. Rubbing of the gold in the uca. Dye-in-diameter-or-buy in the pharmacy. Rub the pain in his knees during the night. Dye-wood, for kidney. 20 g of the wood, the kidney to three weeks to insist in 100 g of 70% alcohol. Take 15 to 20 drops, three times a day. The dye can cook up to 20 g of the fruits, nuts, and 500 ml of alcohol and insist for two weeks, and rubbing your knees at night.
The therapeutic wrap
Wrap washed leaves mother and stepmother, burdock, horseradish, kale, collard greens, reduce pain, and restore joint. To enhance the effect of the cabbage, in a spreadsheet, you can lubricate it with the honey. To be able to cure, in full, involves the use of the long-term.
Herbal teas
Delicious and healthy, when arthritis of the knees and herbal teas will be when you prepare for an incomplete table spoon of a mixture of leaves, lingon, black currant, rose hip oil.
Turpentine ointment. Ingredients: a tablespoon of turpentine, the yolk of an egg, one table spoon of apple cider vinegar. Received an ointment to rub it on her lap until it is completely absorbed.
Stinging nettle ointment. Mix equal parts of honey and nettles and is used to rub the skin of the knees. It is not possible to use the ointment for the blood to clot is high.
The paste is made from equal portions (150 ml) - alcohol, olive oil, oil, turpentine, oil, and 3 grams of camphor. That is designed for rubbing, the the patients knee.
An ointment of honey. Melt in a water bath equal parts honey to the bee, and vegetable oils. The lubrication of the knee several times a day.

Broth and extracts from the
The potatoes in the broth. Cook the potatoes without draining the water, mash it up, give it in the service of establishing (the hour-and-a-half), to merge with the upper portion of the liquid oxygen. Drink it three times a day, and in the third part of the drink.
The onion juice when you win. Cooking for two with the peel, sliced the bulbs up to a total of cooking. A drink before the meal 1 glass of it.
Medical fitness
When the osteoarthritis of the joints of the knee, to regain their mobility, it is important to fitness regimens. Take a complex of special exercise that is going to help you, your doctor, your doctor, an instructor in the office of the therapy for a year. The classes desirable in the conduct of an instructor that will show you how explaining and talking points for the joint of the knee, in the home.
Before you run an apartment complex will need to perform the exercise, you heat up the joint, and then perform the exercises (to avoid pain). Finish off the exercises walking in place and breathing exercises. Dressing for the gym, you need to do, every day, for 10 to 15 minutes.
Therapy bath
The hot magnesium bath (600 g / l of salt in a pail of water will improve the blood circulation, speed up metabolism and tissue regeneration, to relieve the swelling. Moving oxygen in the liquid mix, the salt and improves the quality of oxygen in the synovial fluid, reduces inflammation.
The cleansing bath may also be prepared from 200 g of rhizomes cinquefoil. The grass will need to pour four cups of boiling water, heat the water in the bath for about 15 minutes. Want to take a bath with that obtained with a solution for you. As well, it soothes the pain of a bath with a decoction of the leaves and the berries of the juniper.
In the summer, you can take a sand bath. For this reason, you need to wrap your feet in the warm sand in the 20 to 30 minutes. Not necessarily, you'll need to use your head so you don't have a heat stroke.
With the power on, when the pain in the knees

Aches and pains in the knees and not be skeptical with regards to the power supply. A diet that is needed in order to reduce the weight, reduce the process of inflammation. You need to leave for the consumption of the product, leading to inflammation of the joints (pickle, smoking, salting, and alcohol).
Especially keeping your diet need to drop by a violation of the food almost immediately as it causes a worsening of the disease include: redness of the skin in the area of the knee, swelling, and pain.
The disease of the knees, it is easier to prevent than they are to explaining and talking points. With a quality food, sufficient drinking mode, and the adjustment of the weight, motor activity, special exercises, and swimming to strengthen the knee joint, to protect against injury or damage to the disease.
If you are still not able to stop himself on his knees, takes a long time to see a podiatrist, a rheumatologist for guidance as to how to explaining and talking points on the joints of the knees, in the house. The timely and quality execution of the tasks and recommendations that will help you to prevent complications, disabilities, and the need for surgical intervention. Be careful with your knees and keep you healthy.